Drive carefully on the M5 Motorway!

The traffic speed on the M5 Motorway may decrease from time to time due to scheduled maintenance and operation works. In overloaded traffic lanes, the risk of accidents and periodic traffic jams can also increase, so AKA Ltd. compiled several useful pieces of travel advice for travelers.

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Safety is in your hands!

The safety of road workers is all of our responsibility!
For the second year in a row, the European Association of Operators of Toll Road Infrastructures (ASECAP) is organizing the traffic safety campaign on June 20th, which draws attention to the protection of road workers. After several European countries, AKA Ltd. joined the campaign as well.

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M5 Motorway is ready for winter maintenance


156,6 km motorway section
3 operation and maintenance centres (located near Újhartyán, Kiskunfélegyháza and Balástya)
12 dual-purpose vehicles
7 multifunctional Unimogs, 3 loading vechicles
7001 tons of sodium chloride
18 tons of calcium chloride
Monitoring the road conditions every 2 hours during the daytime
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M5 Motorway is ready for winter maintenance


156,6 km motorway section
3 operation and maintenance centres (located near Újhartyán, Kiskunfélegyháza and Balástya)
12 dual-purpose vehicles
7 multifunctional Unimogs, 3 loading vechicles
7040 tons of sodium chloride
18 tons of calcium chloride
Monitoring the road conditions every 2 hours during the daytime
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AKA Alföld Koncessziós Autópálya Ltd. and the M5 Motorway Operator Company, A-WAY Ltd. has resumed their operation and maintenance tasks in accordance with their legal obligations following the end of the winter season.

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M5 Motorway is ready for winter maintenance

AKA Alföld Koncessziós Autópálya Ltd. and the M5 Motorway Operator Company, A-WAY Ltd. have prepared their maintenance fleet for winter operation, which is ready to handle winter conditions with a regular road control service starting from 10th November, 2021. At...

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M5 Motorway – Bridge repair works in the proximity of Kecskemét

Bridge repair works have started on M5 Motorway in the direction of Szeged at chainage 87 on 10th September 2021, which will end by 28th October 2021. Due to the repair works a temporary traffic diversion is being installed between chainage 86 and 90. AKA Ltd. kindly asks road users to exercise patience due to the traffic restrictions caused by the repairs.

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Road surface repair works in the rest area at Kecskemét south interchange on M5 motorway

Road surface repair works will be carried out at Kecskemét south interchange located at chainage 90, M5 Motorway between 12th July and 7th August 2021. During the repair works, the offramp of Kecskemét south interchange and the rest area are partially available pursuant to the works scheduled. The petrol station will continue to remain accessible during this period. AKA Ltd. kindly asks road users to exercise patience due to the traffic restrictions caused by the repair works.

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Road surface repairs conducted on the M5 motorway near Szeged

Road surface repair works will be carried out on M5 Motorway in the proximity of Szeged between 9th and 19th July 2021 in the direction of Budapest between chainage 166 and 170. AKA Ltd. kindly asks road users to exercise patience due to the traffic restrictions caused by the repairs.

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Road surface repair works of Kecskemét West interchange, M5 Motorway

Road surface repair works will be carried out at Kecskemét West interchange located at chainage 85, M5 Motorway between 23rd June and 8th July 2021 in both directions. During the repair works the on- and off ramps of Kecskemét West interchange are partially available pursuant to the works scheduled.

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Actual news

