Road surface repair works will be carried out on M5 motorway in the proximity of Kecskemét between 11th May and 13th June 2022 in the direction of Szeged between chainage 73 and 84. The Lajosmizse weight station will be closed between 14th and 24th May 2022.

The repairs will expectedly start on 11th May 2022 on M5 Motorway between chainage 71 and 78. From the direction of Szeged, one traffic lane will be diverted into the direction of Budapest, ensuring the two traffic lanes for the travelers travelling towards both directions. Periodically there will be one traffic lane available for the travelers in both directions during the installation and disassembly of the traffic diversions. The traffic diversion continues in second phase of the works between chainage 74 and 84 between 21st May and 13th June 2022 with still providing the two lane traffic capacity.

During the repair works, Hetény rest area, Kecskemét north interchange and Kecskemét north bypass will be available for travelers. The weigh station located at chainage 71 of M5 Motorway in the direction of Budapest will be closed between 14th and 24th May 2022.

Speed limits of 60 and 80 km/h are to be expected within the aforementioned section, which we kindly ask to comply with.

First phase


Second phase

Third phase

Information about current traffic restrictions and diversions will be continuously provided by Útinform on their website, and by AKA Ltd. on their website as well as the operator – A-WAY Ltd. AKA Ltd. asks travelers to drive more carefully, keeping the speed limit on the M5 Motorway. Unforeseeable events may result in changes to the aforementioned schedule. AKA Ltd. reserves the right to modify the schedule of the maintenance works.

We wish you a safe trip!

AKA Ltd.


Presston PR. is the communication partner of AKA Ltd.
For further information and interviews:

Terdik Adrienne| Ügyvezető igazgató | PResston PR | Rózsadomb Center |
1025 Budapest | Törökvész u. 87-91. | T + 36 1 325 94 88 | F +36 1 325 94 89 |
M +36 30 257 60 08 | |

Szekeres Nikoletta | PR vezető | PResston PR | Rózsadomb Center |
1025 Budapest | Törökvész u. 87-91. | T + 36 1 325 94 88 | F +36 1 325 94 89 |
M +36 30 831 64 56 | |
